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Biden endorses Harris for nomination.

Donate Support for Kamala Harris

Photo of Endorser

My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.

If you’re with us, donate to her campaign here

- Pres. Joe Biden

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When you donate to the CCDC General Fund, you support CCDC endorsed candidates to run campaigns in Chemung County so that they can get elected to office. It could go towards yard signs, brochures, mail-outs...whatever's needed. Your generous donation helps them get the job done!

Donate to the CCDC HQ Fund - ActBlue

When you donate to the CCDC Headquarters Fund, you help us continue to have a place to gather for organizational meetings, featured speakers, community education, and Committee related events. We encourage you to visit our CCDC Headquarters at 110 N. Main St, in downtown Elmira...and get involved!