This is a Call for Immediate Action by County Voters to "Show up & Stand Up" at the next Chemung County Legislative Meeting 3/10/25

We're taking our protest to the next level, to our next county legislature meeting. We're asking Chemung County voters to attend the next legislative meeting on Monday March 10th, at 7 pm to speak in opposition to the proposed Budget cuts during the public comment section of the meeting.

On February 25th, the House Of Representatives voted to pass the 2025 GOP Budget, allowing $880 billion in proposed cuts over the next ten years. Every single Democrat, and only 1 Republican voted against that budget, but they were not in the majority. Those cuts will affect Medicaid recipients in Chemung County, of which there are 29,532 people enrolled in Medicaid as their primary form of health insurance. That's 1/3rd of the population of the entire county!!!

Cong. Nick Langworthy refuses to hold an in-person Town Hall meeting to address the concerns of his constituents regarding his "YES" vote on the budget proposal. In fact, Republican Congressmen have been advised to "skip" holding Town Halls all together, because of the public's outrage to all their "YES" votes. They cannot take money from the most vulnerable population among us, to fund billionaire tax breaks. They were elected to represent the voice of the people. It's our right to have our voices heard, and our positions known, if they will not represent us.

We are in a constitutional crises! This is a time unlike any other in America's history! America needs for you to SHOW UP! Again, it's this coming Monday, March 10th at 7pm at the Hazlett Building (203 Lake St, Elmira).

Let us know you're coming. RSVP Here

Tips on how to make your comment!

Here are some tips on how to make your comments during the Public Comment portion of the Legislative meeting:

Rules to Speak:

  • You must identify if you are a resident of Chemung County, by giving your home address. 

  • If you're speaking on behalf of an organization, you must identify that organization as well. 

  • You are allowed to speak 1 time per meeting for 5 minutes maximum

What to speak on:

  • Share how the cuts will decimate Chemung County communities already in decline.

    • Here is some data from Sen. Chuck Schumer on how it effects NY statewide

  • Share how you and your family will personally lose from the cuts.

  • Do you have a personal story that is particularly touching of what would happen if you lost Medicaid Health benefits, that you'd like to share?

  • If you have any data to substantiate your comments, consider having 17 copies made for handouts:

    • 15 for Legislators...1 for the Legislative Clerk....1 for the Legal Council.

(Please give the handouts to the Deputy Clerk seated in the seating gallery at the beginning of the meeting. )

Example Script for your use:

Good evening,

My name is _____________ , and I live at ______________________, in _____________.

      I’m here tonight because I’m concerned that the proposed federal cuts to Medicaid will decimate our already fragile community. On February 25th, the House Of Representatives voted on the 2025 GOP Budget, which would allow $880 billion in proposed cuts over the next ten years. The majority of those cuts will affect Medicaid recipients in our community. According to the New York State Department of Health’s January 2025 Medicaid Enrollment Data-book report, there are 29,532 people in Chemung County enrolled. The population for Chemung County, as of 2023, was 81,325 people. That calculates to just under 36% of the county’s population who are enrolled in Medicaid insurance and services! Access to Medicaid as their primary form of health insurance for thousands of our fellow county residents to keep healthy is vitally imperative !

(If you want to include a personal story, here would be a good spot)

      Cuts to Medicaid would wreak havoc to one third the population Chemung County! These are our neighbors, friends, and relatives who would be adversely impacted. In addition, our communities are experiencing an increase in homelessness, drug use, and mental health crisis among our citizens. Any decrease in Medicaid, will not only serve to negatively impact these populations, but will contribute to the detriment of our community where 16.8% of its population lives below the national poverty level. 

        Tonight, I am asking you, the elected officials of the Chemung County Legislature, our local county government to engage with Congressman Nick Langworthy, and impress upon him the seriousness of these potential cuts to Medicaid, and the harm they will do to this county.  This can result in dangerous harm to the well-being of children, senior citizens and low income individuals who depend on this valuable resource. 

Thank you for your attention, and immediate action on this issue.


Stop!!! 2025 GOP Budget Cuts