
Chemung County Democratic Committee

Cease Fire Resolution

Resolution Calling for a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and the Protection of Innocent Life

Whereas, the Chemung County Democratic Committee acknowledges the long-standing conflict in the region between Israel and Palestine, and recognizes the urgent need for a just and lasting solution to achieve peace, justice, and security for both Palestinians and Israelis; and

Therefore, be it resolved that the Chemung County Democratic Committee calls for:

  1. An immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza to halt the hostilities and end the cycle of violence, release of the hostages, ensuring the safety and security of civilians on both sides.

  2. Support for diplomatic efforts, including multilateral negotiations involving all relevant stakeholders, to achieve a just and comprehensive peace agreement that addresses the root causes of the conflict, ensures the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis, and paves the way for lasting peace in the region.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to elected representatives at the local, state, and federal levels, urging them to support these principles and take concrete actions to advance a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Submitted by Halie Saunders, CCDC Recording Secretary on behalf of the Chemung County Democratic


Updated: June 27, 2024