The local community discusses Project 2025

With the release of the Project 2025 Mandate, it's been determined that P25 is one of the biggest threats to our American democracy this election. The over 900+ page document needed to be scrutinized and examined to see exactly what was that threat. So far, the Chemung County Democratic Committee (CCDC) has engaged in 2 local community discussions, where the public was invited to come and openly discuss the agenda. The items below are what have been uncovered so far. We hope the information provided below helps you to discover for yourself the steps others will take to curtail your freedom, and how they intend to destroy our democratic government.

At the request of attendees to the community discussions, we've duplicated the PowerPoint presentations, where possible. Some presentations were given orally without visuals and were not recorded, so they could not be replicated here.

Fight Project 2025

The Democratic Steering Committee's Hearing on Project 2025.

Sep 24, 2024

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Research for yourself, the threat is real...

Other organizations and leaders are standing together in the fight against Project 2025. The Democrats project for 2024 is to stop Project 2025!

(Source document: Project 2025)

Fighting P25

  • Heather Cox Richardson is a an American historian. She is a professor of history at Boston College, where she teaches courses on the American Civil War, the Reconstruction Era, the American West, and the Plains Indians. She previously taught history at MIT and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is a contributing writer to Substack and this particular contribution on Project 2025 explains a lot. We recommend a subscription to Heather's free column on Substack.
  • Red, Wine & Blue: Red Wine & Blue is a 501 organization founded after the 2018 midterm election. Operating out of suburban swing districts in the United States, RWB engages women at a grassroots level and drives media narratives to better reflect issues faced by the "everyday woman". They offer a "Project 2025 Explainer Guide" and a "Project 2025 Tool Kit" on how to hold events to expose P25 to your family, friends & community. They take to heart John Lewis' saying of: Make Good Trouble! This PowerPoint on P25 was presented at a CCDC Speaker Series discussion.
  • New! from Red, Wine & Blue: Updated info on when it was Project 2001. This is not new, and in 2019 they bragged that they had implemented 1/3 of their plan. Project 2025 must be stopped at all costs.
  • Project 2025 & the US Military: Written by a distinguished Veteran of the US Military, this is a look at how P25 would affect current enlisted and Veterans if it were enacted. This PowerPoint was presented at a CCDC Speaker Series discussion.
  • Who is Prime Minister Viktor Orbán? Hungary is a warning of what could happen when a ruthless, anti-minority populist backed by a major political party is allowed to govern unchecked. Americans need to pay attention. Orban's playbook mirror's that of the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025. How democracy died in Hungary, and why soft fascism is a threat to America.


  • The Center for American Progress The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan policy institute dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, and concerted action. Their aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country. Their extensive series on P25 is an in-depth look on each agenda item. This PowerPoint on how P25 calls for ending the Head Start Program was presented at a CCDC Speaker Series discussion. It's important to remember P25 also calls for an end to the Department of Education.
  • How will Project 2025 Affect Me? Want to see for yourself where the P25 agenda will affect you, and your family? This site helps you choose the items that affect you directly, and then pulls that information and sites the pages. Don't be fooled, this site is chock full of articles that give a full picture of the agenda.
  • The connection between Project 2025, Christian Nationalism & White Supremacy: P25 has come to represent an authoritarian regime . Whether there is a "D" or an "R" by your name, the extremism outlined in P25 will affect wide and diverse populations of America adversely. When our candidate VP Harris says; "We're Not Going Back!" this is the "back" she means. This PowerPoint was presented at a CCDC Speaker Series discussion.
  • Freedom of Speech: After our 1st P25 community discussion, attendees were invited to tackle subjects within the huge document and lend their voices to educating the community. One such person, Becca Forsyth of Freedom Church of the Poor, stepped forward with the following presentation on how Project 2025 would curtail the Freedom of Speech.
  • Project 2025 meets Schoolhouse Rock! Written, animated and performed by Jason Kravits, Produced and mixed by Sean Dixon with Jason Kravits - guitar Sean Dixon - drums, bass Christopher Walz - banjo Brian O’Neill - banjo.