Qualities of a Candidate to consider...

"It takes a "special kind" of person, dedicated and willing to serve the community to run for office. The courage it takes to step forward into public life should not be underestimated. The commitment needed to fundraise, run a campaign and stay in the public's eye is commendable and noteworthy. On behalf of the community, you have our esteemed gratitude!"

~ Chairman Jamal A. Malik ('23)

  1. What are your unique leadership traits?

  2. Can you describe three main campaign goals or ideas you feel define your campaign? 

  3. What do you offer constituents that’s different from your opponent or the person now in office?

  4. Do you bring a new or innovative way to approach problems?

  5. Do you feel you have the time, energy, discipline, and vision to win?

  6. Who is your target voter?

  7. Can you identify your campaign team, and plan for getting elected?

  8. What is your fundraising strategy?

  9. Do you have a vision for improving the quality of life in your community?

  10. What do you see as the most significant issues?

  11. Are you prepared for a background check?

  12. Why should the voters choose you?

If you can answer all of these questions with certainty, then reach out to our Candidate Vetting Committee. We're here to support and help get your started. Fill out our Candidate Interest form here.

We strive to establish a strong platform, which assists our committee to develop and align our values, beliefs and goals to the Democratic Party ideals. The Chemung County Democratic Committee will recruit and elect candidates who listen to, respond, and best serve our citizens and our community.

Chemung County Board of Elections: Run for Office resources